Corporate Wellness: What works?

Corporate Yoga Class

7 Tips for Success

Want to implement a successful corporate wellness offering, but not sure where to start?

Research has shown, your average ‘Yoga in the meeting room’ might only attract 20% of your staff. If you’re after a proven approach to have more employees saying ‘namaste’, check out our 7 tips to success.

Tailor your approach
Employees approaching burnout? Yoga might be the answer. Staff complaining of back and neck pain? Strength training could be the key. Tailoring your wellness offerings to your employees, validates their needs and demonstrates active listening.

People are always interested to improve their health. Successful wellness offerings incorporate education that give employees the tools and resources to take charge of their health and wellbeing.

Create a community
We all feel more motivated and inspired when we’re part of a team. Wellness programs with good community vibes can help keep staff engaged and accountable. Creating those good vibes and community connections, starts with the right health and wellness solution.

Be inclusive
While some staff might love the idea of boxing, others may prefer Pilates. Successful wellness programs need to include everyone. Wellness offerings can enhance inclusion through tailored services that meet the needs of each employee, creating a strong sense of community.

Be proactive
Staff member frequently calling in sick from stress? Perhaps productivity is down, due to injury. Proactively responding to your employees needs through wellness initiatives will boost retention, output, and morale.

Include friendly competition.
We all feel more determined when there’s an end goal in sight. Wellness offerings with a dose of healthy competition, like a 6-week challenge, are known to increase retention and motivation.

Provide the right facilities
Trying to meditate in the noisy meeting room is hardly relaxing. Likewise, HIIT classes in a poorly ventilated room, won’t feel inspiring. Knowing what facilities and resources you need for your wellness offering comes down the needs of your staff.

It can be difficult to recognize the value in spending time, money, or resources to workplace wellness. Understandable, particularly knowing it’s not as easy as offering healthy snacks or a few fitness classes. So, what can you do to get your staff interested in your wellness programs? Engage with a business that takes the time to understand the unique needs of your business and your staff and has the resources to tailor their offering. For more information, reach out to one of our experts today.


Initiatives wellness centres can put in place to motivate healthy habits.